王子爱上我是一部2018年上映的美国喜剧片,由彼得·休伊特 等导演拍摄制作,该剧描述了 Katie, a former professional ice skater (Patterson), is hired by the king of San Senova, Alexander, to help his daughter in a Christmas ice skating performance. As Katie spends time in the castle and with the king, she and Alex begin to develop feelings for each other and ultimately fall in love. But will the tradition-loving people of San Senova allow their king to make a foreigner their queen?,王子爱上我情节扣人心弦,演员们的表演堪称一流,他们深刻地呈现了角色内心的情感波动,观众无不为之倾倒。自首播以来,这部剧一直备受广大影迷热情推崇。喜剧片王子爱上我由大象影视收集于网络及整理相关剧情并提供线上播放。